Computer Codes
CubicalRipser: Persistent homology computation for 2D and 3D data (companion to my paper "Cubical Ripser: Software for computing persistent homology of image and volume data")
smallpt4d: simple ray tracer for 4 dimensional scenes [Video]
A C++ Library for 3D Affine transformation (companion to my paper "A concise parametrization of affine transformation")
Probe deformer plugins for Maya [Video] (companion to my paper "Probe-type deformers")
N-Way shape blender plugin (with weight controller plugin) for Maya [Video]
A C++ Library for Anti-commutative Dual Complex Numbers (companion to my paper "Anti-commutative Dual Complex Numbers and 2D Rigid Transformation")
topapprox: A Python package for computing topological filtering (companion to our paper arXiv:2408.14109)
Logarithmic Derivation Module of Hyperplane arrangement (companion to our paper "Polynomial Interpolation of a Vector Field on a Convex Polygonal Domain" by J. Chu and S. Kaji)
Words2URL: a simple web service that allows users to associate their favourite words with URLs.
Pretraining of CNN without data (companion to our paper "Pretraining Convolutional Neural Networks without Data" by Shizuo Kaji and Yohsuke Watanabe, in preparation)
Image translation by CNNs trained on unpaired data (companion to our paper "Visual enhancement of Cone-beam CT by use of CycleGAN")
Image translation by CNNs trained on paired data (companion to our paper "Overview of image-to-image translation by use of deep neural networks: denoising, super-resolution, modality conversion, and reconstruction in medical imaging")
Embeddings of directed graphs (DANCAR) (companion to my paper "Nested Subspace Arrangement for Representation of Relational Data")
Polyarc fitter: fitting a point sequence with a small number of line and arc segments
Homology-assisted Convolutional Neural Network for image classification
A multilevel to Boolean gene regulatory network converter (companion to my paper "A circuit-preserving mapping from multilevel to Boolean dynamics")
An image deforming demo app of Dual Complex Numbers for iOS [Video1] [Video2] [Video(camera demo)]
Similarity invariant energy minimizing deformer for iOS [Video]
Numerical simulation of Kaleidocycles (companion to my paper "Linkage Mechanisms Governed by Integrable Deformations of Discrete Space Curves")
Computing with Weyl groups (companion to my paper "Geometric representations of finite groups on real toric spaces")
Ordinary and Torus equivariant cohomology, and GKM graphs of flag varieties (companion to my paper "Three presentations of torus equivariant cohomology of flag manifolds")
The (dual) Leibniz-Hopf algebra and Steenrod algebra (companion to my paper "The mod 2 dual Steenrod algebra as a subalgebra of the mod 2 dual Leibniz-Hopf algebra")
ARAP based morphing [Video]